Saturday, April 26, 2008


Been a long hard morning.
Last night was pretty bad too.
But it's okay, may His will be done!
I'm probably confusing you.


Just asking for prayers about a baby kitty who was an inch from death this morning, but I think we saved him.
Thank you Lord!

And for Jenny, who had 2 kittens, but is nursing 5, of 3 different ages. What a great Mommy cat, several kittens would be dead without her.

And I have my piano recital at 3:15- ehh I don't think Arabesque is ready. I kind of want to get it over with.

Anyway. Just wanted to pop in. If not tonight, I'll try for more tomorrow.

Prayers please! Have a blessed day!

In His Grip, Ranch Kiddo

1 comment:

Sara said...

Praying your day got better!