Thursday, September 6, 2007

I'm Trying On Animal Characteristics...

It would probably be better if you didn't ask why I start thinking about crap like this. It's just stuff that pops into my head without warning. I am cursed with a very serious disease by the name of uncordially interruptive thoughtsinits. Yes, it is true. Without an invitation, they launch themselves into my mind and refuse to leave until I give each one special attention, and then either discard it or add it to one of the many hotspots, stacked with thought after thought, in a back corner of my brain. This one seemed blog-worthy. Maybe it will give you something to think about.

We give animals or even trees or rocks, when writing, human characteristics, do we not? It's something like onomonapia or something like that... I dunno, we haven't recieved our grammar books in the mail yet, so don't make me think so hard about that stuff. We say that trees have 'gnarly fingers' or that the breeze 'kisses our cheeks'. We kind of... dress up non-humans with human characteristics. So why can't we humans try on some animal characteristics?

Errr.... let's see, I guess I can get my independence from cats. My happy-go-luckyness from dogs, atleast most breeds. My gift of gab from... birds? I dunno, but they're always talking! I also have other qualities like...

ease of frustration, perseverence, impatience, quick-thinking, leadership...

...but I don't know what animals possess those certain qualities? If you have any ideas, be sure and comment and let me know!

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